A tiny but tough yoga community learning to hear the call.
Reach Yoga has always been a grassroots, community movement, committed to supporting each other, and the earth. We have been bolstered by all of you for close to 20 years and have worked to be a positive force in our communities, both on and off the yoga mat. Now, we are being called to do more. As a community, we hear the call.
The Reach community stands in solidarity with Black Nations, Indigenous Nations and all People of Colour. We know that none of us are free until we are all free.
We are committed to actioning our role in individual and systems change for equity, inclusion and justice for all. We are committed to seeking regenerative solutions to the global issue of climate change. We stand against racism, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, ableism, ageism, sexism and all other forms of oppression, hatred and violence.
We stand in solidarity with LGBTQI2S community.
We stand in solidarity with Black Lives Matter.
We recognize that to truly stand in solidarity and allyship, we need to work on ourselves, our community and our circles. We need to unlearn our internal biases and prejudices and examine the ways we unconsciously contribute to, or are complicit in, systems of oppression and the destruction of the earth. This is the work necessary for us to truly show up for all members of our human family.
And we plant trees, lots of them. Join our tree planting team, check out our projects!
As always, the Reach team is always open to feedback. We aim to hear, understand and centre the voices of our community members. Please contact us here to discuss or contribute to Sustainable Reach.
Sustainable Reach is our virtual library to access resources from like-hearted partners that will help us to expand our minds and move toward freedom for ourselves and each other. It is meant to encompass a larger vision of freedom, equity and systems change, while providing concrete and realistic actions that we can all undertake.
A note to all those who enter here.
This unlearning and relearning is challenging work. It means leaving no stone unturned, no corner of our hearts, minds and lives unexamined. It means uncomfortable conversations and realizations. There is no place for shame, judgement, or fragility here. This work requires the heart of the warrior, who comes to reflect with humility and openness.
We know that our community, and our practices of yoga, meditation and breathing will support us. Our work together has laid the foundation for the strength and flexibility of mind that is required here. We encourage learners to pace yourselves, seek support when needed (but not from your friends from marginalized communities) and utilize your preferred tools for self-care. We are in challenging times and it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Take care of yourself. We are in this together.
We are committed to researching like hearted partners to collaborate and grow with in our quest to be a more informed community. A community who promotes an Active Empathy For Life (SDG 18)
The links on the right and the videos underneath start to form the library of sustainable reach!
Eventually, we hope to make this a searchable hub as the number of resources grow. Come back often.
A Message of Hope: A printable PDF by Diane Longboat. Spiritual Evolution of Humanity and the healing of Mother Earth.