Reach Yoga Lifestyle

Reach Star Yoga Star Lifestyle

A community based on flexibility of mind and heart

Reach Win's Awards!

2024 Fees and FAQs

Single-Drop-In Class 

  • $16.00*
  • Don Mills & Guildwood South Scarborough
  • Come whenever you can make it
  • Pay as you go

10-Class Pass

  • $140.00*
  • Use for any of the regular weekly classes.
  • Purchase and use anytime, no expiration date
  • Personal Passes
  • Classes are non refundable but happily transferable.


  • The One Year Pass
  • $1080.00*
  • The 1 Year Trip Around The Sun Pass is made available only 3X per year. January 1st, May 1st & November 1st (New Years Day, May Day & All Souls Day)
  • Access to ALL regular yoga classes (Up to 5 per week!) VALUE $3630.00
  • Your Ticket to New Years Eve Yoga! VALUE: $25.00
  • One private coaching session with Cathy Mines at the start of your  1 year pass, to help you stay focused and meet your health goals. VALUE: $150.00
  • Two Gift Class Passes to invite like hearted friends to join you on your journey. VALUE: $32.00
  • Total Value for this pass is $3807.00
  • This Pass is for you if you are ready to Evolve Your Habits!

Programs for Private Sessions.

  • $150.00 — $250.00 depending on distance, parking. Add HST.
  • Payment made to book date in advance

Wellness at Work

Corporate Classes. 

  • $150.00 — $250.00 depending on location /Parking set up and number of participants. Add HST.
  • Bill at the start of the month for the classes booked. Or bill for the month after classes have taken place. This option applies when billing per student in attendance. Usually taking place in other studios & fitness centres
  • Legal Document Requests:  $25.00 per Year.
  • Law Firms sending requests for student records will send a formal request and agree to the fees of $25.00 per calendar year requested. Students MUST send a personal confirmation directly to for any records to be released.




Q: What do I wear?

A: Comfortable ‘workout’ style clothing that gives you room to stretch. (No perfume or cologne. Thank you)

Q: What do I need to bring?

A: Your yoga mat.

Q: I have never done yoga before, is that ok?

A: Absolutely, yoga is for everyone, all levels of experience are welcome.

Q: Can I join mid session?

A: Yes you may start classes at any time.

Q: How do you accept payment for classes?

A: Cash, Cheque, e-Transfer, Flight Points, and Guitars (Cheques made out to Reach Yoga e-transfers to

Class Etiquite


  • Doors open 15 minutes prior to the beginning of each class. Virtual Doors open 5 minutes before class.
  • Shoes are left outside of the yoga space
  • Bring as few personal items to your mat as possible, if you need to ‘see’ your belongings, take a spot to the back or the side of the room and put them out of the way.
  • Please do not stack your personal belongings at the front of the room or around the instructor, this is our alter, thank you.
  • No perfume, cologne or fragrant body lotions please, your body will heat up and so will your fragrance. It will make others sick, possibly you too.
  • Turn off your cell phone. Those on call, please put your phone on vibrate and place it in a discreet spot out of sight of your classmates.
  • Arrive on time as best you can, but better late then not coming at all. Slip in quietly when you are late, and enjoy your class.
  • Keep conversation with others to a minimum and use your ‘yoga voice’ so as not to disturb the others who use the time before class for meditation and quiet reflection.
  • Be mindful of others you share the space with, we are supportive of each other, but no-one wants your discarded socks by their face. Observe your space and be mindful.
  • If you have a product to sell, please do not do this at yoga, absolutely no MLM promotion is allowed. 
  • Most of all enjoy your time on the mat, it is your magic carpet of stress release.